Price House Residential Construction Project
Rockall Projects were initially engaged as clients representative to help bring a failing project back on track. The contractor had fallen months behind and the original quoted price had been exceeded despite construction being far from complete.
Residential Project Management
Rockall engaged with the contractor and decided with the client that termination of their contract was the only option given the serious breaches that had taken place. Our project managers assisted in this process and subsequently put the remaining construction project works out to tender.
"Rogue Contractors"
We have seen several instances recently of "rogue" contractors, hugely overrunning budgets and programmes. In this case, the builder had several fictitious positive Checkatrade reviews, highlighting the need for rigorous due diligence. The contractor has since ceased trading.
Price House is typical of the high-end residential projects undertaken by our team. We can assist from feasibility, planning, procurement and on site project management. Find out more about our services.
Siematic kitchen by The Myers Touch in Winchester.
The project is now complete with a new contractor.